Program Participation & Research

Our primary mission is to provide the highest quality care and education for children, from birth to kindergarten, enabling FSU student parents, faculty and staff to pursue their educational and career goals. At the same time, we serve the University, state and local community by providing a model program for early childhood training research and service. Find out more and become involved with our program:

Academic Departments and Professors

It is our pleasure to provide academic departments and professors with training site where students can extend their classroom learning and put theory to practice in a safe environment.

Professors and Academic Departments seeking to use the center for full classes and/or a group of students, please complete the Group Participation Request

If your students are required to schedule their own observations, practicums, internships or service learning experiences please have the student complete the request under Practicum, Observation, Internships, Student Groups and Volunteer Participation.

Health Related Participation

Participants seeking more than 10 participation hours per month will be background screened through the Department of Children and Families Clearinghouse.

Health Related experiences include assisting program with daily procedures related to sick/injured children, medication administration, coordinating health related special events and trainings, completing medication administration forms and documentation, etc.

To apply, complete the Health Related Request here.

Research Requests

The FSU Childcare & Early Learning Program is committed to highest quality of care for children and for the young adult students. We understand that the work we do is based on best practices that comes from research in various child centered fields. It is our goal to provide an environment that supports researchers in their work and benefits children, families and teachers.

Requests are evaluated according to the costs and benefits of the study to the programs, research ethics, and center philosophies. For researchers requesting to use children, families, or teachers as subjects, a current IRB approval letter must be submitted with request before Associate Director approval can be given.

Complete the Research request form.

Practicum and Internship Participation

Participants seeking more than 10 participation hours per month will be background screened through the Department of Children and Families Clearinghouse.

For students that are required to complete a practicum or internship for a program or course, our program offers paid experiences as funds allow. To apply, complete the Student Practicum/Internship Request and the Online Employment Application.

Observers and Volunteer Participation

Participants seeking more than 10 participation hours per month will be background screened through the Department of Children and Families Clearinghouse.

For students seeking to complete observations or to volunteer please complete the Observation and Volunteer Participation Request.

Individual students, Student Groups and RSOs

To complete a special project please complete the Special Project Participation Request.